The Pickaway County Community Foundation has announced the 2025 Pickaway Fellows class. The Pickaway Fellows program is an intensive, hands-on, executive learning program for the next generation of appointed and elected leaders in Pickaway County. The 2025 Fellows class will participate in ten sessions held within the county, one session as an intensive study of state government in Columbus, and the program culminates with a trip to Washington DC to meet with national leaders in April 2025.
The 2025 Pickaway Fellows class includes Andrea Green, Alexis Heidish, Matthew Fields,
Natalie Balallo, Casey Liddy, Brittany Grate, Brad Hughes, James Brown, Hannah Parker, and Drew Wichterman. Upon successful completion of the program, class members will be included in a board candidate pool available to various appointing bodies, as well as use the moniker Pickaway Fellow.
The fund advisory board consists of Pickaway County residents from around the county who volunteer their time to assist the development of this program.
“The Advisory Board works very hard to bring the best options for education and training for these participants,” Fund chair Sereana H. Dresbach said. “We have witnessed the impact of this program as we see Pickaway Fellows take leadership roles in their profession, local schools, community organizations, governing bodies, and neighborhoods. Most important, this program enhances their skills to deal with problems and issues, not just daily routines.” Advisory board member Heather Foll stated, “We are fortunate to live in this county and we want to see this county and residents thrive and succeed. This program is an investment for the county’s future.”