No Traffic Fatalities for the month of November 2013


    Although Pickaway County has seen two recent fatal crashes, the month of November had no traffic-related fatalities recorded.   Pickaway County has had an increase in traffic related fatalities this past year, and traffic safety advocates note the lack of seat belt use continues to be an issue in many of these fatalities.  Although the Holiday Season generally focuses on Impaired Driving, and asking everyone to remember that “Buzzed Driving IS Drunk Driving”, Safe Communities of Pickaway County wants drivers and passenger alike to remember to “Buckle Up Every Trip Every Time”.

    “Pickaway County drivers need to remember that they will improve their chances of surviving a crash by 50% by simply buckling up”, noted Teresa C. Carper, Director for the Safe Communities of Pickaway County Program.  “Also, make sure your passengers do the same….make it a rule they must follow in order to ride in your motor vehicle.”

    Safe Speeds are also a concern during this time of year.  Since the recent inclement weather has caused concerns for safety, following safe speed limits is especially important.  Of course we all remember what the legal speed limit may be on a roadway, however safe speed limits during dangerous weather conditions, and on roads that require more caution, is equally important.  Many of the traffic fatalities last year involved drivers who did not follow safe speed limits.

    Please remember that law enforcement will be out this Holiday Season to enforce the laws during the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” mobilization.  For information on how you can make your ride safer in a motor vehicle, visit the National Highway Traffic Safety website at .

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