Home News Man Shoots Double Headed Deer (Warning Some Will Find This Graphic)

Man Shoots Double Headed Deer (Warning Some Will Find This Graphic)


Kentucky – It’s hunting season, but what falls during hunting season is rut season for deer.  In this season the buck ‘male’ rubs his antlers on trees and scrapes the ground, marks territory, and in a heightened testosterone season fights with other males for attraction of the doe ‘females.’ These fights can be pretty aggressive with both males slamming horns into each other and pushing each other back and forth.  Sometimes they get stuck together, and this can be fatal to the pair.

Thats not exactly what happened to a Kentucky local deer.  According to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Bob Long local a hunter saw a big set of deer racks aimed and shot what he thought was a trophy deer.  What he saw next surprised him.  The buck that he shot had gotten into a fight with another deer and they fought to the death.  Somehow the deer had dislodged the head of the other deer and was carrying the corse head around still attached to his own horns.

Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife says, “It’s unclear exactly what circumstances led up to this buck’s carrying around another set of antlers and part of a decomposing carcass. Regardless, it was truly a rare harvest!!!”

Though rare this is not the first time this has happened, check out this story of a similar situation that happened in 2015