Dear Editor,
How many people would like to pay another bureaucrat $125 an hour, potentially $260,000 a year?
Well, that is exactly what Issue 1 on the November 2024’s ballot would put in place without electing these bureaucrats. Issue 1 does not specify part time or full time positions, so approval of Issue 1 could potentially cost $3.9 million a year of our taxpayer dollars.
We need to be very cautious as every time a new government position is adopted, we end up paying so much more. With inflation at high levels, grocery prices up 21%, energy up over 30%, and housing prices up 22% we cannot afford to have another small group waste our tax dollars.
We elect our legislature to do this very job, if we aren’t happy with their performance we can fire them. We will not be able to do that with these bureaucrats. Why would we pay someone else to do the job that our legislature is supposed to do?
See the below website to understand the issue before voting:
Vote “NO” on Issue 1 on November 5th.
Patty Hamilton,
Lieutenant Colonel Retired
Stoutsville, OH