Football, Homecoming, and Safe Driving Are a Winning Combination


    A winning idea for this football and homecoming season is to combine these two favorite activities with safe driving. Whether it is the local high school games, your favorite college team games, or the professional team games, this sport seems to bring out the fans in droves. Many will watch and celebrate by attending the game, watching at home, visiting a local hot spot, or attending a great party. Whatever your plans may be, and if those plans include alcohol, make sure you remember that if you don’t “Drive Sober”, you will get “Pulled Over”.

    Teens should also remember that as they plan for Homecoming dances or other activities surrounding this time of year, they need to make safety to and from the event as important as all the other plans for the event. Please remember that it is illegal to drive and use any type of electronic device in the state of Ohio. But more importantly, the message to “Stay Alive, Don’t Text and Drive” should be a habit used every day. Also, by “Buckling Up Every Trip Every Time”, you can improve your chances of surviving a crash by 50%.

    Parents need to be involved in their teen’s driving habits. Talk to your teen, set rules for the use of a motor vehicle, and remind them that their safety is a priority to you, and needs to be a priority to them. Find ways to talk about traffic safety to your teen at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website at .

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