Home News CIRCLEVILLE: Woman Calls Police on Haystacks and Cult-Like People Who Appear in...

CIRCLEVILLE: Woman Calls Police on Haystacks and Cult-Like People Who Appear in Back Yard


CIRCLEVILLE – Around Midnight on 1/12/21 police responded to a suspicious person in the Kingston Court area of Circleville.

According to police reports the caller claimed that she had seen many DEA/FBI agents in her backyard, Haystacks that had appeared randomly, and a woman that was wearing some sort of government shirt and a headdress on what appears cult-like. She said that earlier there were around 20 of these members around her home and she felt intimidated.

When police arrived, they did not find any persons or haystacks in her claim. They asked the woman for transportation to the hospital to get checked out, but she refused.

About an hour later she called 911 again and asked to be transported to the hospital when she claimed drug use from earlier that day.