CIRCLEVILLE – Circleville Pumpkin show Inc. released the 2021 Pumpkin show pin this week its highlights, Winky.

Winky is Circleville Pumpkin shows the exclusive icon and this year’s pin puts the gourd in center stage.
“We started with a silhouette of winky and wanted to incorporate everything else around that,” said Jamie Mosley creator of the art in the pin this year, “Then the black silhouette turned blue and I thought of the skyline of Pumpkin show. Two things you see when you walk into the pumpkin show above all the crowd are the iconic pumpkin tower and the Ferris wheel that are always center stage at Main and Court Street.

Winky was added afterward as being in that special spot and smiling for the camera.

The design was originally for 2020 said Barry Keller Vice president of Pumpkin show inc. but when 2020 was canceled they went to the No Show pin and wanted to centerstage this pin in 2021.
The pin is available currently at the Circleville Apothocary and Pickaway welcome center and will be available at the Pumpkin show in October.