Circleville – The Diaconate of the Circleville Presbyterian Church has donated $200 to the United Way of Pickaway County to support county residents through the 2-1-1 resource system.
Re-launched in August of 2019, the 2-1-1 system is a toll-free, confidential number in Pickaway County that will connect residents with up-to-date resources for social, health and safety net resources.
“We are incredibly grateful for the support of the Diaconate of the Circleville Presbyterian Church for their support of county residents in need of resources ” said Executive Director Jama Cobb. “When great people rise to the occasion to support great needs, the possibilities are endless. The United Way of Pickaway County is in a better position today than it was yesterday thanks to the kindness of this dedicated Mound Street church helping well beyond to ensure resources and access to timely information with their financial support of 2-1-1.”
The information from the 2-1-1 service connects callers 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, to a wide range of needs that include supplemental food and nutrition programs, housing and utility help, emergency information, menatal health support, and employment among an array of other valuable programs and resources.