Pickaway County – A two-vehicle crash occurred in Pickaway County around 2:45 pm

According to reports, the two-vehicle crash occurred on Walnut Creek Pike just south of Perrill Road involving a Toyota Avalon and a Volkswagon Jetta. Seven people were in the two vehicles four in the Jetta and three in the Toyota. The impact sent the Toyota into an adjacent bean field where it came to rest. The Jetta remained in the middle of the roadway.
The driver of the Jetta was seriously injured and transferred to Grant by Medical, and one person from the Toyota was transferred. Several other juveniles were injured but were not transferred.
The Jetta had a 30-day tag that was issued yesterday.
“The heavy impact of the crash ejected the engine and transmission from the car, but kept the kids safe in the vehicle,” said Sheriff Hafey, “The kids were wearing seatbelts that saved them from further injuries.”

According to Sheriff Hafey who was on the scene a vehicle reconstruction is currently taking place and the roadway will be closed for several hours.