Pickaway County – Around 11:30 am on Saturday a 911 call came in, the man who called reported that a man with a gun was on the back of a truck and was holding a gun to a woman’s head at the Ohio State Highway patrol post located just south of South Bloomfield on US-23.
According to the reporter, the man stopped with his black pickup truck in the parking lot of the Ohio State Highway patrol post on US-23 and pulled a gun on a woman. Law Enforcement took the call very seriously and called in back up to surround the situation, asking for drones, helicopters and a negotiator for a possible intense situation that was unfolding.
The suspect was described by the caller as a light-skinned African American male.
As the situation was unfolding law enforcement surrounded the parking lot and shut down US-23 in the area with the possibility of an exchange of gunfire.
About an hour after the situation started law enforcement was able to get close enough to the vehicle in the parking lot and had enough coverage around the area to determine that this call was false and made up by the caller.
Jeffery Corby, 44 the original caller was arrested and charged with inducing panic, he is currently being held in Pickaway County jail.