Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s office today announced that Amended Substitute House Bill 172 has been signed. Governor DeWine issued the following statement on the legislation:
“Amended Substitute House Bill 172 is a better bill than Senate Bill 113, which was the original fireworks bill that I vetoed. Because it was clear to me that the legislature would have overridden my veto, making Senate Bill 113 the law, I worked with the General Assembly to arrive at a compromise that included changes I wanted to see in the legislation.
“For example, the bill I signed (HB 172) limits the discharge of fireworks to the more traditional holidays that Ohioans celebrate, while recognizing our numerous culturally diverse holidays. The compromise bill also reduces, by half, the allowable increase in showroom size originally offered in Senate Bill 113, while requiring enhanced fire sprinkler systems. The measure further prohibits the discharge of fireworks while in possession of, or under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances or on another person’s property without that person’s permission.
“I appreciate the General Assembly addressing concerns I enumerated in the veto of Senate Bill 113 and incorporating most of them into House Bill 172.”
Under the new bill it would only allow Fireworks to be legally set off in the state under guidelines such as New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day weekend, Juneteenth, July 3, 4, and 5. Also on weekends after Labor day and Dewali.