Home News An Asteroid Three Times Taller Than the Washington Monument to Closely Pass...

An Asteroid Three Times Taller Than the Washington Monument to Closely Pass Earth on Friday


On February 2nd, 2024, skywatchers will have the opportunity to observe a close encounter between Earth and the asteroid 2008 OS7. While classified as “potentially hazardous,” this asteroid poses no threat to our planet during this flyby.

Details of the Flyby:

  • Date: February 2nd, 2024
  • Closest Approach: Approximately 2.8 million kilometers (1.7 million miles), which is about 7.4 times the average distance between Earth and the Moon.
  • Size: Estimated diameter between 210 and 480 meters (690 and 1,575 feet).
  • Speed: Traveling at approximately 21,000 kilometers per hour (13,000 miles per hour).
  • Discovery: Discovered in 2008 and designated as 2008 OS7.
  • Next Encounter: Will return in 2032, but at a much safer distance of 45 million miles (72 million kilometers).

Safety Assured:

NASA and other space agencies have extensively tracked 2008 OS7’s orbit and confirmed that it will safely pass Earth without any risk of impact.

Observation Opportunities:

While not visible to the naked eye, the asteroid may be observable with telescopes by experienced skywatchers.

Additional Information:

This information is based on data from NASA/JPL and is for informational purposes only.