Ohio – 9/11 WTC Memorial Quilt Project is making its way to Ohio again for the week of the tragedy.
Immediately after the tragic event of September 11, 2001, Amy Sue Leasure, an avid quilter, mother, and police dispatcher from Prescott Valley, Arizona decided to create quilts dedicated to those who lost their lives in the attacks.

She set up a website https://www.facebook.com/911-WTC-Memorial-Quilt-Project-928883097152709/ and asked for donations of 12.5 inch Red, White and Blue Quilt Squares in a star pattern with the intention that there would be a star for every victim. A large task because during the September 11 attacks of 2001, 2,996 people were killed.

The squares were sewn into panels of 25 squares and 300 panels. She needed 7,500 squares Amy received almost 20,000 for more than 30 countries, and the project was created.
Amy Sue Leasure died of cancer in 2002 and the project was put on hold. Brian Koehler of Seattle, Wa was asked by the family to take over the project and had its first showing on September 11, 2004, then it was packed away and lost to the public.
“It was Amy’s Dream to take it on tour, and I feel everyone should have the opportunity to see it. Amy hoped one day it would become a permant exhibit in a museum. I now am trying to take it on a tour of the U.S., ” said Beverly Kuemin keeper of the 9/11 quilt.
Since then Kuemin has been on tour all over the US showing the quilts and what they represent. This traveling memorial will be on display at Ohio’s Amish Country Quilt Festival on Sept 8 – 10, 2022. Mt. Hope Event Center 8076 State Route 241Mt.Hope, Ohio 44654