Home News Hocking Police Reports for Week of December 18th

Hocking Police Reports for Week of December 18th


December 18, 2019
An individual came to the Sheriff’s Office t report a stolen license plate.—–
December 19, 2019
Deputies responded to Go Martin Rockbridge regarding a female attempting to pass a counterfeit $20 bill. Employees identified the bill as being counterfeit and also identified the individual trying to use it. The individual had left the business prior to arrival of deputies. Charges are being filed and presented to the Prosecutor.—–
December 24, 2019
Deputies were dispatched to Hocking Drive near Well Road concerning a female asking for help. When deputies arrived, she stated she had been stuck in the face by Christopher Carson after a verbal dispute. Carson had fled prior of arrival of deputies, but returned to retrieve his vehicle. Carson, 34 of Chauncey was arrested for assault and disorderly conduct and transported to the Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail.—–
December 24, 2019
Deputies were dispatched to a Trimmer Street residence regarding a report of telecommunications harassment. —–
December 25, 2019
Deputies responded to a Water Street residence in Laurelville regarding a verbal dispute. No assault had occurred and no threats had been made. —–
December 25, 2019
Deputies were dispatched to Hayden Place apartments regarding a domestic complaint. The caller stated she and her ex-boyfriend had gotten into a verbal argument, however no threats or assault had taken place. —–
December 26, 2019
Deputies were dispatched to Pike Street in Laurelville regarding a report of a stolen vehicle. A short time later, the Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office advised they had located the vehicle approx. one hour prior to it being reported stolen, abandoned and wrecked on SR 56 West of Laurelville. It appeared the driver had fallen asleep while driving. After additional questioning by HCSO deputies, Donald A. Harper, 40 of Laurelville stated he had fallen asleep and wrecked the vehicle and told the owner of the vehicle it has been stolen. Harper was arrested of a driving under suspension warrant issues out of Hocking County and transported to the SEORJ. Additional charges may be forthcoming.—–
December 26, 2019
Deputies responded to a Big Cola Road address regarding persons unknown cut down two black walnut trees from his neighbors property, who reside in Columbus.—–
December 26, 2019
An individual contacted the Sheriff’s Office to report the theft of a generator from a camper located on his property.—–
Deputies investigated a one car crash on Sr 93 in Falls Township. The driver, Mary Beth Coss, 29 of Lancaster, lost control of her vehicle while negotiating a curve and spun 180 degrees striking a wall. She was cited for failure to control.