Home News Adena Sexual Assault Advocates Host Support Group

Adena Sexual Assault Advocates Host Support Group


CHILLICOTHE (Feb 18, 2019) – Adena’s Sexual Assault Survivor Advocates will host “Helping Other Women” (HOW), a peer-to-peer women’s support group for victims of sexual and domestic violence.

HOW is as a safe place for women to come and share personal issues, experiences and struggles in dealing with sexual assault or domestic violence. The program is also intended to help women learn the skills and techniques to help them cope and grow as individuals.

When: Thursdays- Feb. 21 through Dec. 19

6-8 p.m.

Where: Hope Clinic of Ross County

610 Central Center

Chillicothe, OH 45601

Prior to each meeting, Adena advocates will also be available for one-on-one walk-in advocacy services from 5-6 p.m.

After each session, participants will receive a special self-care item and will be entered into a drawing for a self-care basket valued at $200.

Each week focuses on a different topic. HOW schedule and topics:

Feb. 21: What it Means to be a Woman
Mar. 21: Self Esteem
April 18: Self-Expression Workshop
May 16: Intimacy and Trust
June 20: Understanding Trauma
July 18: What is Abuse – Physical, Sexual and Emotional
Aug. 15: Psychological or Emotional Symptoms
Sept. 19: Decision Making: Trusting Your Judgment
Oct. 17: Communication: Making Yourself Understood
Nov. 21: Blame, Acceptance, and Forgiveness
Dec. 19: Goal Assessment

Participants must be at least 18 years of age and identify as female. Registration is encouraged, but not required and can be completed by simply sending an email to [email protected].

If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual or domestic violence help is available. Call Adena’s Survivor Advocates today at 740-779-7263. If you are hurt or in immediate danger call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room, where an advocate can be there to help you.