Summer Months are one of the Most Dangerous Times of the Year


    Although there have been no traffic fatalities for the first half of 2015, a recent crash over the July 4th weekend reminds us that the Summer Months can be one of the most dangerous times of the year. Although most of us think of the winter as the most dangerous time with the ever changing weather conditions, summer poses different types of dangers. There are more people on the road, more inexperienced drivers are behind the wheel, and there are special events and holidays where alcohol use is possible during the summer months. Also, motorcycles and pedestrians are out enjoying the better weather during this time of year. All these factors add to the odds of potential crashes. Safe Communities of Pickaway County continues to remind drivers AND passengers of all ages to “Buckle Up Every Trip Every Time”. Furthermore, everyone needs to observe the slogan “Stay Alive Don’t Text and Drive” and to never, ever drive impaired.

    As of June 2015, there had been zero fatalities on Pickaway County roadways. In 2014, there was one fatality documented during this same period. As the year progressed, there were multiple fatalities as the result of motor vehicle crashes. These numbers do not reflect the number of crashes that ended in significant injury or property loss. Even though a recent crash ended in a fatality, Pickaway County roadways have been safer overall. Keeping safety a part of your routine throughout the year can help keep those numbers low.

    Whether you are a seasoned driver, a motorcycle rider, a teen driver, or the parent of a teen driver, you can learn more how to be safe when behind the wheel. Visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website at to learn more about safe driving habits.

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