Home News Mr. Potato Head Loses the Mr. Goes Gender Neutral after 70 Years

Mr. Potato Head Loses the Mr. Goes Gender Neutral after 70 Years


US – Hasbro is moving to a gender neutral potato, dropping the Mr. from the line of Mr. Potato heads.

Mr. Potato head has been a toy in the Hasbro line for over 70 years and has appeared as a character in Disney’s Toy Story movies as Mr. Potato head and Wife Mrs. Potato head. Now according to an online post, Mr. will get a makeover and will just be Potato Head and you can dress the toy however you want.

Mattel has done some changes to toys over the years to keep in the PC, Barbie line who started out being blonde white, and blue eyes, now has a completely diverse collection offering all shapes, sizes, and colors. Other changes the company has made including adding more female trains to Thomas the train.