Home News Meet Your New Circleville Council Members

Meet Your New Circleville Council Members


CIRCLEVILLE – Last night was the first meeting for two new council members. Newly elected Judge Elisa Peters swore in all members of the council.

New to Council First Ward Member Jeff Hallinin who has served before on council perviously said he ran because Circleville had so much going on right now.

“There has been concern about budget, concerns about the streets, and other challenges. I just want Circleville to be the best it can be, and I can’t complain about anything unless I’m doing my part, so I am here trying to do what I can do to help out.”

New At Large Council Member Tom Klitzka has also served before on Circleville Council from 2006-2009. Tom says,”this is something he’s wanted to do since he was in High School, and this was another opportunity to serve.”

Klitzka who’s is from First ward decided to run to represent the entire city this term in the at large position.

“Certainly First ward is my comfort zone, but having to campaign and get out into the different wards I had the opportunity to meet new people and see new places in the city, and I look forward to serving all of Circleville.”

Council members Todd Brady and Katie Logan Hedge moved positions. Brady will now be representing Third ward a move from the At large Position. Katie has moved from Third Ward position to Representing All of Circleville in the At Large Position.

Sheri Theis is back for another election term representing the Fourth Ward position, Barry Keller long time Council Member is back representing Second Ward, Michelle Blanton has also returned in her same position in the At Large Position, and David Crawford is serving another term as Council President.

Council Committees were shaken up also with the changing of several Council People here is that list.