Home News Look Up! Sandhill Cranes Migrating South Next Few Weeks

Look Up! Sandhill Cranes Migrating South Next Few Weeks


CIRCLEVILLE – Have you seen V’s of birds lately in the sky over Pickaway County? Those may not be Canadian Geese but Endangered Sandhill Cranes migrating south and they are something to see.

Photo from Tim Brooks Taken today in Pickaway County

SandHill Cranes have the longest migration of any other species, they fly from the tips of Northeastern Siberia to Northern Mexico every year! These birds usually fly around 200 miles per day using updrafts of warm air to glide on.

Taken today in Pickaway County
Photo from Tim Brooks, Taken today in Pickaway County

Sandhill cranes don’t usually breed in Ohio but find places North to nest, but the babies born in April-May only have 90 days to get ready to migrate because they make the Thousands of miles journey with their parents for the first year.

Photo from Tim Brooks

Another fun fact from ODNR is that babies will often compete in the nest attacking each other, to solve this issue the parents will split up and walk in different directions causing both babies to follow one or the other parent.