Home News Health Department Implements New Residential Sewage Rules

Health Department Implements New Residential Sewage Rules


The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) requires Pickaway County Public Health to regulate sewage treatment systems across the county by statutory authority established under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Chapter 3718 and Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-29, which became effective on Jan. 1, 2015. Permitting, inspections and enforcement are conducted by Pickaway County Public Health.

Sewage treatment systems include one, two and three-family dwellings and small flow on-site sewage treatment systems (facilities that treat up to 1,000 gallons per day).  Proper system siting and design, soils evaluation, system owner education and operation inspections and maintenance of systems are essential to help prevent future contamination and public health nuisances.

This assessment mandates that all Onsite Sewage Systems will be placed on a routine inspection and management program to ensure that they are operating properly and not creating a public health nuisance.

The Environmental Division will begin reviewing existing records and working with other county departments in 2020 to establish a working data base of properties that have not been previously inspected for proper operation and management. Once this information has been compiled, notices will be sent to property owners announcing the upcoming inspections.  The timeline of inspections will be split between townships through 2024.

Pickaway County Public Health understands that this may come as an inconvenience to individuals unaware of the established rules concerning this issue and we will work closely with the community to ensure that this program will work to serve and benefit the overall health and welfare of Pickaway County.

Information about the health department is available on our website at www.pchd.org. For additional information on services provided please call us at (740) 477-9667.