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Deer Creek Engineers Reach out for Public Opinion on Next 25 Year Plan


PICKAWAY – Deer Creek Federal Engineers are asking the public for opinions, ideas and concerns on future land and recreational management for Deer Creek Lake and Paint Creek Lake for the next 25 years.

The Deek Creek Dam was created to reduce flooding the area by the Scioto River. Holding back water creating a storage area for excess water that is released when needed. Total flood damage prevented by the dam has an estimated cost of over 100 million dollars.

The original build was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1938, construction of the dam began in 1965 and was completed in 1968. The dam was designed to be a key component in a comprehensive plan for the Ohio River Basin, to provide Flood Risk Management, Recreation, and Fish and Wildlife Management for the area. the 1,277-acre lake costs around 19 million to create. in 1974 the Ohio Division of Natural Resources opened the area up as a State Park.

Deer Creek Dam is one of over 40 dams located in Ohio. Operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District. The area is run by the district and is built to be flooded if needed and still be operational after waters recede. Areas such as the Marina are leased properties.

The Dam holds back over 1000 acres of water and feeds that water slowly into the Scioto river just south of Circleville. The dam is operated by five full time staff members and other assistant members from the military.

The Dam also attracts visitors every year for fishing, camping, and fun, including a yearly festival called the Deer Creek Dam Days.

Now the military is working on a Master Plan revision will guide the land and recreational management of the federally-owned properties, which includes both lakes and their shorelines, for the next 25 years.

Management activities include protecting natural and cultural resources, providing public land and water recreation, protecting the public, and ensuring continuous reservoir and flood control (dam) operations. Pertinent information and a current land use map can be found on the USACE website below.

To add your comments, ideas, or concerns about the future land and recreational management for Deer Creek Lake and Paint Creek Lake, please submit comments using any of the following methods:

—Fill out a comment form at:https://www.lrh.usace.army.mil/…/paintcreek-deercreek…/

or outside our office at:21897 Deer Creek RoadMt. Sterling, OH 43143–

-Email comments to:[email protected]

Provide comments in a letter mailed to:U.S. Army Corps of EngineersATTN: Robert Jackson7th Floor, PVM Building477 Michigan Ave.Detroit, MI 48226