Home News Ohio State Spring Game Tickets Go on Sale on Friday

Ohio State Spring Game Tickets Go on Sale on Friday


COLUMBUS – Tickets for the spring game go on sale on friday Febuary 22,2019. General admission is always 5 bucks, and you can sit almost anywhere you want. There are limited 15 dollar club seats available also.

According to Ohio State seats will be a bit limited this year because of construction going on the north end of C deck, so buy tickets early.

The Spring game is scheduled for April 13 at noon at the Ohio State Stadium downtown parking in the lot is free.

Tickets can be purchased at the Ticket office, or calling 1-800-GOBUCKS. You can also get group tickets for groups of 50 or more, those are available at Group Sales office at 1-8000GoBUCKS also. Children 6 and under are free, unless seated in club seating option. All OSU students can get into the game free with student or OSU ID.